Friday, September 14, 2007

The Wasteland

Hmmm so. I've been sick for a while. Two weeks to be exact. It's really not fun. I had to head-to-head migraines, and then I got the flu really badly and couldn't talk or swallow or breathe so yes... that was great. But I'm feeling.. ever so slightly better now =) I managed to crawl from the couch to the computer! Hooray!

It's always nice to know that the only person that truely missed me (besides Liz... Liz is awesome) is my science/maths teacher... whom I hate with a burning passion... =/ *Sigh* That's life for ya. Can't say I was expecting better... but still...

So here's the latest on how I am lately (emotional wise.. y'all just heard me ranting about my sickness) Wel... School is incredibly incredibly crappy and is making me and every else all.. blegh and stressed out. All my internet buddies are depressed and spend their time moaning about how crappy their ex boyfriends are and how men suck and they hate their lives and whatnot, except for Liz... Liz you're just plain awesome v_v I'm sorry for being all pooey on you.
And I haven't spoken to Matt in 2+ weeks which is really eating me. That's about it =)

Now, if anyone has been trying to ring my phone for whatever reason... I don't maybe a prank call or something... I've temporarily loaned it to my brother because the radio in his van is broken, so I don't expect to see that again... ever. Edit: Never mind, I have it back!

P.S. If you're wondering about the title (The Wasteland), I'm talking about my head =)


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