Tuesday, July 18, 2006

60 Words

Remember the poem I created for a competition? A Fallen Halo? With the cardboard box theme? Fuck off then...

Haha, well I'm entering another competition (GOLD! MUST HAVE GOLD!) and it's flash fiction, ie. A fictional story with 100 words or less. Well I used my idea of loss of innocence for it, and I came up with a 60 word story. It's more like a rant thing... I wander what my chances are? They said the shorter the better...

Innocence is lost all too easily. Remember the days where a cardboard box could become a castle? We were so careless back then, we didn't know anything of pain or hate. We were so free. What I wouldn't give to go back to those days! To escape the world through a plain cardboard box, a portal to a mystical land.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

11/8/06 2:47 AM  

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