Friday, July 14, 2006

Proof that Maru Youkai has a twisted mind...

Well! You thought my mind wasn't quite so twisted huh? Well indeed. Listen to my random thoughts I had last night...

Well, it was around 2 am, or 2:30 or something, and computer was boring so I thought I'd go to bed, but I couldn't sleep so I just let my mind wander. And I started thinking about A.F.I (shock horror!) and my random A.F.I thought this time (that I admit I've had many other times) is what I'd do if A.F.I came to my house. My very first thought was "talk the ears off every last member". And well, I said I'd show Davey my cat Tosca, seeing as he loves cats (*spasms again*) and I'd prolly end up telling him every last fact about Tosca, how we found her, how we came to name her, all the funny/stupid/gorgeous things she's done. Then we'd prolly move on to the computer, where I'd show them my thousands of A.F.I photos, just to prove my love (oh, by the way, I sorted through them today, and it took me two whole hours!! I still can't believe I have that many...) and show them all the A.F.I projects I've done (and am in the process of doing...) and maybe even show them a song or two ^__^. Then of course I'd just HAVE to have Julia around! And we'd prolly go down to the park and kick the soccer ball or hang around and be absolute retards XP. And then later on in the evening when Julia left, I thought Davey would prolly have an idea for a song, and he'd be sitting at the kitchen table, with me cross legged on the table, and we'd be putting this song together, and sharing songwriting tips. And Jade and Hunter could teach some shit on the guitar while Adam and Dad have a round on the piano. Then I thought the next day Julia would be over again (actually now that I think of it, Julia would prolly just sleepover) we'd go to the swimming centre, and Jade and Hunter would prolly jump off the highest diving board, while I'm sitting on Adams shoulders cuz I can't reach XP and Davey and Julia are treading water beside us (Adam is on his tippy toes, he can just touch, Davey can't touch and neither can Julia) and Jade and Hunter jump off at the same time and bomb into the word, and the life saver guard thingy is looking all grumpy that they did that. And then I started to think, "I'm only doing the things I like to do. What if they don't like these things?" and the line "I'm only doing the things I like to do" brought the funniest image to my mind! Well, I'm a big fan of netball, and I imagined A.F.I in short netball skirts and bibs XP. Lmfao! I'm so cruel. I can even remember what positions they played... Jade was Centre, Hunter was WA (that's my position! *squeals*) Adam was GS and Davey was GK. Then my mind wandered onto nightmarish thoughts... (that didn't include A.F.I or anything dirty... sick, sick people) and I ended falling asleep (Tis now nearly 3:30) and I had the WEIRDEST dream!! I can't remember it much but... let's see how I go...
Well we're at school, and the teachers are sniffing cocaine O.O... and I think they're saying "You must never do this, but you may as well learn how to do it right" and then... we have to go downstairs where some of the year 7's from last year are, and we have to make these animals out of all different bits of paper, and then paint them, and everyone's making pigs but I want to do something different, and for some reason I came really late to the activity and I'm the last one and it's the last day of school and schools about to end, and only Rebecca is there with me now, and I can't decide what I want to make, so I'm like, "Tell you what, I'll take the paper home and create an animal in the holidays, and then first day back we'll paint it, kay?" and she's like "Yeah, sure, good idea." So we're packing up the classroom, pushing tables against the wall and stacking chairs, but strangely we're stacking chairs on top of the tables in stead of in a pile next to them, and all the tables are like too small for the chairs, so we have to put them on diagnally, and it's hard. Suddenly Miss Williams is like, "Claire you need to give me your animal, I can see it's not there." And I'm like shit! I'm busted! And she's saying all this stuff about "I can see them from here, and yours isn't there!" and then suddenly it's the holidays, and I'm on this hill mucking around with... someone... can't remember who it was. It was possibly Rebecca. And I'm thinking "I should do that animal now... but I can't think of what to do..." and we're having all this fun so soon I forget about it, and then mum comes and starts accusing me of doing drugs, and I start remembering the teachers sniffing cocain in class, and I'm like "No! I've never done drugs!! Never!" and I'm getting all offended and teary, and suddenly it's like my mums high, she's dancing around like a lunatic, going in circles across this broken path and then up the hill and down the hill and back across the path, and I decide to join in, Bec's just gone and disappeared, so it's me and mum dancing like friggin retards, and then there's sand around, like it's the same place but sand everywhere, and I have to step in the footprints mum leaves, and somehow I know it's step in her footprints or die, so I'm stressing out and about to burst into tears, and her footprints are getting huge and far apart, and I can't do it... and that's all I remember... although I'm pretty sure there was more to it...

And now you know. Maru Youkai has a twisted mind.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

...well that was very weird and odd experience *sits in corner looking highly confused* to be hounest I dont have much to say to that... buuuut I HAVE A TWISTED MIND TOOOOOO!

28/7/06 7:34 PM  

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