Break and Shatter
Ahh! It's a tragedy! It's the end of the world! It happened quite a while ago actually, but I don't think I even had an account on when I found out. It was like, around the same time I decided to make this to comment on Jordies blog. I think.

What is it? The loss of Jade's single life! That's right fan chicks, prepare to go into mourning... Jade has got himself a girlfriend!! Lucky bitch.
I suppose it'll hold off all the "Javey" rumors now, thank Satan. Evil, evil people *glares*

I suppose it'll hold off all the "Javey" rumors now, thank Satan. Evil, evil people *glares*
Fark I feel so damn loved! And no I don't think it's like that, your right Jade's smart, it's not like he just picked some chick up off the street cuz she looked hot, I think he'd see through those girls.
*random thought* I wander if people get pissed at me commenting my own blog? Some people do that... XP
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