Monday, July 10, 2006

Guess What Song I Have On Repeat THIS Time!

Yes, it's this again! And my taste in music this week has had a drastic change, neither for better or for worse. This song! Omg it's haunting me. One day I woke up and I'm just like "I think I'll listen to this song" and I haven't stopped listening to it since. What song is it? It's by A.F.I... It's from their new album, Decemberunderground... Come on! No, it's not the 21 Kill Song... Hang on, have I even told you's about that? I don't think I have! But that's for another day, my friends. It starts with a K! Come on, that just gave it all away!! It's Kiss and Control ^_^

Watch the stars turn you to nothing.
Now blush and smile as they whisk you away.
Part your lips a bit more, I'll swallow your fear.
I will show you how all the bite marks inpresse a need to be here, a need to see city lights, like rain, dance and explode, fall upon debutants reeling from nights that kiss and control all of our borken hearts.
Velvet burn the wrists while restraining.
You blushed and smiled and said you would stay.
One more time steal my breath, I'll feed you the sky.
I will show you how.
Steal the glamour from death and before you die, oh, you should see city lights, like raind, dance and explode, fall upon debutants reeling like nights that kiss and control all of our broken hearts.
"We all want to die like movie stars," you said as you jumped from the height of our cutting room floor while above us, glowing, exploding, our dreams burst forth in light and death.
Hold me and tell me "We'll burn like starts. We'll burn as we fall. Watch as city lights dance for us."

Hold me and tell me "We'll burn like starts. We'll burn as we fall. Watch as city lights dance for us." < I love that line. Just that line XP it rocksness. Oh and my acrobatics teacher was teaching as something (which I've forgotten) and you had to like squat then jump up... and he goes "Squat... and explode!" and I'm like "Squat and explode? DANCE AND EXPLOOOODE fall upon debutants reeling from nights that KISS AND CONTROLLLL

Hey... I like this song XP The leaving song I haven't listened to it that much and it just came on... as apposed to The leaving song Pt II that I'm in love with XP
Anyway, I'm off, catch ya's in a net!


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