Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A Fallen Halo

This was written for a {unprofessionalised..} competition. It had to involve playing in a cardboard box. I'm quite proud of myself really, because everyone thought of writing about a young child, whereas I was the only one who was looking back on my childhood, and originality is worth at least 5 points (I can't remember if it was ten or five...) so that's gotta be worth something. Still not sure if I'll win though, there were some really good ones! O.o Perhaps I'll get an honorable mention? *Secretly knows there are no honorable mentions in this particular competition... shoot*

Haunted by memories, so pure and untouched,
Haunted by the days where innocence roamed,
The days we ran the width of our earth,
And rode the Seven Seas in our cardboard box.

These treasured days now seem so far away,
Our innocence sliding through cracks in time,
Like water through our open fingers,
The cardboard box lay neglected, gathering dust.

What happened to those children, young and carefree?
What happened to imagination, a lust for learning?
Where appreciation once sat, envy now stands,
A box once influenced creativity, now it prompts nothing.

Growing up too fast in a world full of animosity,
We stand and stare, observing our world fall,
Fall into death and decay, we lost the days
Where a cardboard box could become a kingdom.

The box that holds so many memories dear to me,
That holds my childhood, my youth, my past,
Shall sit motionless, watching, waiting for another young mind,
To touch the world, to bring freedom and innocence,
If only for a day.

Manda, I blame this song on you!! ^_^ Thanks a lot for helping me with yet another song


Blogger Maru Youkai said...

Eek I'm sorry about that. But the thing is I'm stalking you right now so it's no use adding you to that list... Don't believe me? Look out your window >=D

13/7/06 7:35 PM  

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