What else does Maru Youkai do at 2 am?
I study angels!! I found a really interesting thread on gaia, here's what I posted (beware... it's LONG!!):
Wow, this thread is really interesting! I love the ideas of some of the stuff I've heard. Time for my input
Note: I haven't read all of this thread, I'm too damned lazy, so sorry if I touch on something that's been said. And the information I'm submitting is based on very little fact and is mostly opionated, so if it contradicts some religious beliefs, I'm sorry again.
This is what I believe
I believe in angels. I believe there are different types of angels, and I do think guardian angels are a possibility. Given my beliefs in God (don't ask...) it's hard to link angels with Him, but I do believe they are for the "greater good". With guardian angels, the idea of every being having a source of some kind to watch over them is, for me, easily believable. Although it could just be some story created to bring comfort to children, that somewhere along the way got mixed up with the truth, like (and yet unlike) Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. If there are guardian angels, I believe they are limited to how they can protect you, eg. if you walk onto the road and a bus is coming, they can't push you out of the way of the bus, but they could send a feeling (like how you just get those gut feelings) that there is danger, so you could turn around, see the bus and push yourself out of the way. With me so far? Now, everything has a logical explanation in this world, it's the way things are, so what's the deal with this "feeling" your guardian angel sends you? I've thought about this, and, based on a theory I found floating around here somewhere, I believe it comes from an electrical current. The theory I found goes something like this... (keep in mind I have a really bad memory, so if I get it slightly wrong, bear with me)
Every human being has an electrical current inside of us. Basically, we couldn't survive without us. It is like our individual scents; unique for every one of us. When we die, this electrical current leaves our body (so, this current could well be a soul or a spirit). The theory I read (and this is where I begin to forget...) said that this current takes a different form, and we are reincarneted into that form. Well, I was thinking maybe this current could transfer into a spirit or (if this current is a spirit) some other form of something that once existed, but now does not. So, something or someone that has died. (Just some branching thoughts, this current could reincarnate us, become our guardian angel, or take the form as a spirit or ghost. I know a bit more about spirits... apparantly, if they died unexpectantly or before their time, they wander the earth to try and fill the time they lost, but they often need help to do this, and when they have they go on to the "next life") Now, this is where the theory varies. The guardian angel needs to be appointed to another being. Well, they could be appointed to the baby that is born nearest them, and closest to the time they died (such as on "Hearts and Souls" [that's a really good movie, I recommend watching it ^__^]) or they could be attracted to a being whose electrical current (just remembered, this current could be seen as an aura as well. That is how I interpret it) that is most like the guardian angels. This would make more sense if only I could remember what I'd read. There are some loopholes in my theory, like if every being is meant to hae a guardian angel, and a guardian angel only becomes so by being dead, and we're meant to be appointed with one the minute we're born, well... wouldn't we run out of angels eventually? I mean, there's got to be a time when more babies are born then people have died, right? Well... maybe we don't all have guardian angels. We most likely all have had one, or will have one, at some point in time. But if a baby is born in a perfect environment and has a great future ahead, what's the point in having a guardian angel? Whereas if a baby is born in a perfect environment and somewhere along the line slips into a slightly depressed state, wether mentally, physically or whatever else, it would need a guardian angel more then those who have life pretty much sussed for now. So, guardian angels could move around from being to being, depending on who needs them most. Which almost completely contradicts my "The electrical currents in the living attract the angels of similar currents" theory. Although, there could be certain types of electric currents. Let's look at them as auras... In most movies when you can see a persons aura, it takes on a certain colour, and that colour explains their personality. So if someone had a black aura, they would be depressed or coldhearted. So maybe the electric currents are like that, there are certain types of electricty in these currents that attract different angels, so we are not 100% unique.
So as a one sentance summary to all that, guardian angels become guardian angels from taken on the electrical currents of a being recently deceased, and find living targets, depending on the form of electricity in their could-be auras.
As you probably noticed, a lot of that was just thought up on the spot (I'm good at that
) and it's still a bit messy and needs some work. What do you think? And if you can find any more loopholes or contradictions, please let me know, I find great pleasure in lulling this over, and I would love to prove my theory right. If you've managed to read all that, congratulations and thankyou very much.
((Hey look, the little emoticons worked ^__^))
Here's the whole thing: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15647135&page=1
You should check it out, it's a really interesting read.
Other things I'm interested in learning more about: Alchemy and dream interpretations. Know anything about any of these subjects? LET ME KNOWWWW and I will love you forever ^_^. Providing it's useful information.
Wow, this thread is really interesting! I love the ideas of some of the stuff I've heard. Time for my input

Note: I haven't read all of this thread, I'm too damned lazy, so sorry if I touch on something that's been said. And the information I'm submitting is based on very little fact and is mostly opionated, so if it contradicts some religious beliefs, I'm sorry again.
This is what I believe
I believe in angels. I believe there are different types of angels, and I do think guardian angels are a possibility. Given my beliefs in God (don't ask...) it's hard to link angels with Him, but I do believe they are for the "greater good". With guardian angels, the idea of every being having a source of some kind to watch over them is, for me, easily believable. Although it could just be some story created to bring comfort to children, that somewhere along the way got mixed up with the truth, like (and yet unlike) Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. If there are guardian angels, I believe they are limited to how they can protect you, eg. if you walk onto the road and a bus is coming, they can't push you out of the way of the bus, but they could send a feeling (like how you just get those gut feelings) that there is danger, so you could turn around, see the bus and push yourself out of the way. With me so far? Now, everything has a logical explanation in this world, it's the way things are, so what's the deal with this "feeling" your guardian angel sends you? I've thought about this, and, based on a theory I found floating around here somewhere, I believe it comes from an electrical current. The theory I found goes something like this... (keep in mind I have a really bad memory, so if I get it slightly wrong, bear with me)
Every human being has an electrical current inside of us. Basically, we couldn't survive without us. It is like our individual scents; unique for every one of us. When we die, this electrical current leaves our body (so, this current could well be a soul or a spirit). The theory I read (and this is where I begin to forget...) said that this current takes a different form, and we are reincarneted into that form. Well, I was thinking maybe this current could transfer into a spirit or (if this current is a spirit) some other form of something that once existed, but now does not. So, something or someone that has died. (Just some branching thoughts, this current could reincarnate us, become our guardian angel, or take the form as a spirit or ghost. I know a bit more about spirits... apparantly, if they died unexpectantly or before their time, they wander the earth to try and fill the time they lost, but they often need help to do this, and when they have they go on to the "next life") Now, this is where the theory varies. The guardian angel needs to be appointed to another being. Well, they could be appointed to the baby that is born nearest them, and closest to the time they died (such as on "Hearts and Souls" [that's a really good movie, I recommend watching it ^__^]) or they could be attracted to a being whose electrical current (just remembered, this current could be seen as an aura as well. That is how I interpret it) that is most like the guardian angels. This would make more sense if only I could remember what I'd read. There are some loopholes in my theory, like if every being is meant to hae a guardian angel, and a guardian angel only becomes so by being dead, and we're meant to be appointed with one the minute we're born, well... wouldn't we run out of angels eventually? I mean, there's got to be a time when more babies are born then people have died, right? Well... maybe we don't all have guardian angels. We most likely all have had one, or will have one, at some point in time. But if a baby is born in a perfect environment and has a great future ahead, what's the point in having a guardian angel? Whereas if a baby is born in a perfect environment and somewhere along the line slips into a slightly depressed state, wether mentally, physically or whatever else, it would need a guardian angel more then those who have life pretty much sussed for now. So, guardian angels could move around from being to being, depending on who needs them most. Which almost completely contradicts my "The electrical currents in the living attract the angels of similar currents" theory. Although, there could be certain types of electric currents. Let's look at them as auras... In most movies when you can see a persons aura, it takes on a certain colour, and that colour explains their personality. So if someone had a black aura, they would be depressed or coldhearted. So maybe the electric currents are like that, there are certain types of electricty in these currents that attract different angels, so we are not 100% unique.
So as a one sentance summary to all that, guardian angels become guardian angels from taken on the electrical currents of a being recently deceased, and find living targets, depending on the form of electricity in their could-be auras.
As you probably noticed, a lot of that was just thought up on the spot (I'm good at that

((Hey look, the little emoticons worked ^__^))
Here's the whole thing: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15647135&page=1
You should check it out, it's a really interesting read.
Other things I'm interested in learning more about: Alchemy and dream interpretations. Know anything about any of these subjects? LET ME KNOWWWW and I will love you forever ^_^. Providing it's useful information.
At jonh neo: Wow, I feel loved. Feel free to add me!
Just a note to all: Actually, my whole angel theory was kind of demolished by one single fact I had forgotten. Go to the link, I posted more about it
I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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