Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lyrics of Maru's very own... dun dun dunnn!

I tolded you to get ready for a longing to be free. Here's to We Serve Soap!
Maru Youkai is happy because she haseth music, coffee and mint kit kats. *^_^'s*
*hits computer* LOAD GODAMMIT! I WANT TO READ MY EMAIL! Stupid hunk-a-junk.

Okieness. This be'eth (Bee eth. It's not that hard!) Paper Wings. I really like the chorus and the end bit. The three words pattern is hard to follow, so I did a okie job.

Sitting, waiting, watching,
Looking up into the sky,
Hoping, wishing, wanting,
To spread my wings and fly.

But my wings are only paper,
They hold no strength at all,
And they turn straight to dust,
As the rain begins to fall.

Hoping, trying, rising,
I lift up through the air,
Stumbling, falling, crashing,
The rain is always there

And my wings are only paper,
They hold no strength at all,
They turn straight to dust,
As the rain begins to fall.

Dreaming, living, waiting,
Longing to be free,
Imagine, creating, dancing,
A bird is what I want to be

But my wings are only paper,
They hold no strength at all,
They turn straight to dust,
As the rain begins to fall.

Believing, praying, trying
over and over again,
Seeing, feeling, knowing,
That this is not the end.

My wings are only paper,
They hold no strength at all,
They turn straight to dust,
As the rain begins to fall.

My wings are only paper,
But my heart is pure gold,
And someday I will be free,
Someday my wings will hold.

Currently listening to: World War Me. Good song. Reminds me of Donnie Darko. Awh it finished >=| Has that email loaded yet?!


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