Monday, September 18, 2006


I just wrote this hugeee post, with two songs, a rant..ish thing, and a dream that I had last night... and it took ages... and my friggin craparse computer just ate it all!! GAHHHHH

So now you get to listen to me yell at my computer, because I'll be damned if I can be fucked typing all that up again!

Fucking stupid good for nothing useless piece of crap computer! FRIGGIN BUTTHOLE!!! Would you like me to spell that out for you so you can download it into your system and then loose the file it's saved on because of your stupid pathetic buttholeyness? D=
P.S. If you want those songs, I've saved them and can send them to you, but I'm afraid the dreams lost forever.
P.S.S You don't want the rant. It's just me complaining about being sick and no one caring XP
Except Liz.


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