Monday, September 11, 2006

Yay! Another dream! Wooty wooty wooty

Hmm okay... Well I was a babysitter, and I went to the house that I was working at... But I was a witch, and no one knew. And the parents were talking to me but I wasn't listening at all. The kids I was meant to be baby sitting were twins, a boy and a girl, around 2 years old. And the parents were like "Could you leave our broom alone? Last time it was left out and the dog chewed it, and it's our good broom." But they didn't have a dog. Aaand I'd been using the broom to fly on. O.o And then they were like "Kay, let's get to work." and they started sweeping the backyard with their "good broom", and there was all this junk, like broken toys and shit, just outside their shed, that I was supposed to help clean up afore they left. So I went to help, but then I couldn't be stuffed and just shoved things with my foot while the parents did most of the work. Then I saw a pen lying in the midst of it all and I'm like "Dude! Saweet!" so I picked it up and put it in my pocket. The parents left, even though there was still a whole heap of the mess around the garage, and I had to bath the chick, but the other twin was nowhere to be seen. So I beant down to the chick (I couldn't even remember her name) and said "How about a treat tonight? How about you have a hot bath?" and she was all like... "But... me get in when bath cold, right? Me always have cold bathy." and I'm like... woah poor child. And then the dream flashed to the other twin (the male) playing with a dollhouse. But it like... came round the side of the house and then in through the window and right into the dollhouse. Then I grabbed my bag and walked out, and suddenly I was waiting at this park with my class and we were going on a school excursion, and I forgot my bag somewhere three times, and the third time it was on the bus and the only other person who forgot their bag was Georgina. So we both went to get our bags, and I ran back to sit with Jordie. Then we were in a truck and it was driving down onto the beach, and my stomache sort of turned and I'm like "We're not going in.. the water.. are we?" and everyone in the truck just laughed and said "Well that's only the whole part of the excursion!" and I'm like "But... what about sharks?" and they all just laughed again. So we're all walking along the beach, and I'm trying to keep as far away from the water as possible, and it's just like that scene from Jaws, where there all in the water and that kid gets eated by the shark, except it's spread over the whole beach. And we're just about under the jetty, when this gigantic wave comes, not from the sea, but right in front of us, and I just scream, but then it's gone and everyones looking and me and laughing, and I'm like "Whatttt? It was a big wave!! D=" and they all just roll their eyes and giggle and then we're walking again, and we come to the place where we're meant to be swimming, and it's under a jetty except the jettys going the wrong way along the beach so's that there's this big patch of dark shadowy water, and then out past the shadows is mirky, grey water, so that you can't see anything. And the instructor dude swims out and is all like "Right, you gotta swim to me and then back" and he's out pretty far, and there all saying I have to go first, and I see something in the water and scream "Fin! There's a fin out there!!!" and it turned out to only be someone surfing, but no one got scared anyway. Then we were all backed up against the wooden railing that seperates the beach from the road, but I was the only one that was actually scared, and everyone else just couldn't be stuffed going. Then finally one chick was like "Fine I'll do it." and there all like "Yeah! Go Duffeild!!" and she went to swim out and there was an actual fin and I'm screeching "FIN!! THERE'S A FINNNN" and she's like "AHHHH" and ran out of the water but the instructor dude's just like "Go away" and these kids come out of the water with these fake fins on their back and we're all just like -__- and that's where it ended.


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