Friday, September 01, 2006

Ramblings Of A Demon Mind Part 6

What if "forever" had an end? What if, at the beginning of time (or the beginning of forever, whichever came first) people foresaw a time slot so magnificent that it's end would cause the destruction of the earth, the solar system, the entire universe? And what happens if forever ends? Would we just cease to exist? Like when we sleep, it's not black, it's just nothingness.
Now that I think of it, what if "time" and "forever" are the same things? Which is why they say the end of time is the end of everything.
"Life is forever" Well that's right, because life will exist forever, forever meaning until time ends.

So next time you're singing along to "Forever Young", stop and think what that would mean. Afterall, you'd be kicking yourself if suddenly you couldn't die until time itself stops (and the universe blows up from the pressure).

Special thank to Davey and those of A.F.I for the song "Midight Sun" which caused this train of thoughts.


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