Sunday, September 23, 2007

Two more things that I am sick to death of

1. I'm so damn sick of people telling me that I'm only doing something because of someone else. Okay, let me explain. (This was a while ago but it's STILL eating me, and people are still doing it) Okay, I was with my friend and a couple of her other friends, and we were having a conversation that went something like this:

Julia's friend Matt: Why are there x's on your hands?
Me: It means straightedge
Matt: What's straightedge?
Me: You don't smoke, you don't drink and you don't take drugs
Matt: *Mock look of horror, starts backing away*
*Everyone laughs*
Julia: She's only straightedge because AFI are.

*Takes a moment to scream into my pillow* Agh! No!
Okay, first of all, not ALL of AFI are straightedge. Only Jade and Davey are. If you're going to insult me, at least get it right. Technically it would've been better if you'd said "She's only straightedge because Blaqk Audio are" Although that would've been equally us untrue.
Secondly! No, I'm not straightedge just because AFI are. I know most people in this world are just clones of each other and have to have every thought exactly synchronised so there are no seperate opinions, but I AM NOT ONE OF THEM. I am a NORMAL person, and I can think for myself! I'm not straightedge or vegetarian because some people in AFI are, I do not want to play bass just because Hunter does and most of all, I don't do ANYTHING to try to be "emo" I hate the word emo and anyone who uses it against someone!!! Fucking FUCK OFF.
And I am incredibly hurt that Julia, who knows how much I hate the fucking sluts who just do something because someone else does, would suggest that I am like that, and that I would become some fucking sheep like that. >< AGH!

2. I'm tired of feeling like there's something wrong with me, like I have some psychological disorder. Like I frickin belong in an asylum for crying out loud. I'm tired of being so damn paranoid, I'm tired of hearing voices in my head, I'm tired of not sleeping and I'm tired of all these fucking mood swings.
I'm also tired of feeling like I'm stupid and not being able to do the things I used to (like maths and crap)

... That's all from me =) Hope you enjoyed my misery


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