Sunday, September 23, 2007

Yay, Kurt Cobain!

So, it's my birthday soon. Seven days to be exact. Doesn't feel like it... I'm more excited about dressing up as Kurt Cobain for Flashback Thursday this week. And then I'm house sitting for one of mum's friends who's going to Japan. She lives up in the hills and she has two little dogs, so that's going to be awesome. And then there's the youth impact thing which I talked mum into letting me do as a birthday thing, but from the looks of it no ones going so I'll be a loner for it. Always fun. And then in November there's the Muse concert, and in December the My Chem concert. And I'm going shopping today for a digital camera (birthday present)

In summary, there's a lot of things I'm excited about right now. My birthday isn't really one of them.

Holy crap my moods changed again. I TOLD you I was having really bizarre mood swings. Anyway... I'm off for now. I feel like eating

Edit: Sorry, this was a pretty random and pointless post. I promise next time it'll be more productive =)


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