Sunday, July 23, 2006

Currently listening to ACDC O.o

This song is scary... another quiz stolen from Liz! (Baha, that rhymed!)

:-: first best friend = Lucy Rogers O.o
:-: first job = N/A Although I did work in the tuck shop at henley oval
:-: first screen name = O.o jeebus like I'd remember that
:-: first self purchased cd = oh god knows..
:-: first funeral = Some family member I can't remember
:-: first piercing/tattoo = Ears
:-: first enemy = umm prolly Lucy Rogers XP
:-: first big trip = uh Sydney I think... or up to the farm... or other farm... or shack... one of the four
:-: last big car ride = bah ages ago -_- i want to GO somewhere!
:-: last good cry = ehhh you know? i cant remember. Prolly when mum BURNT MY SKULL with the straightner *rubs head* it still hurts ='(
:-: last library book checked out = um the 2nd and 3rd of um Alanna the Lioness andd So Much to Tell You i think thats it
:-: last beverage drank = *chuckles at beverage* um tea =)
:-: last food consumed = *laughs at consumed* um i believe twas a honey sandwhich
:-: last phone call = uh prolly to julia
:-: last time showered = *sniffs* oooo PEEYEW *dies from intoxication*
:-: last shoes worn = *cries over green fluffy boots* um most likely my sandshoes... maybe my boot boots
:-: last cd played = Decemberunderground
:-: last annoyance = Um prolly my mother
:-: last shirt worn = well im wearing my pyjama top now.. but before this was my paul frank top (hand-me-down... fits perfectly though)
:-: last website visited =
:-: wallet = black and pink
:-: underwear = who says im wearing any? >=P
:-: tattoos = N/A... unfortunately
:-: hair = icky
:-: eyes = perdy
:-: hands = small
:-: feet = smexy XP
:-: room = surprisingly neat O.o
:-: Boyfriend = non-existent
:-: parents = bah
:-: [boxers or briefs] = Boxers
:-: [plaid or striped] = striped
:-: [salt or pepper] = salt
:-: [okay, ok, or o.k.] = ok
:-: [bright colors or dark colors] = black & lime green
-: [tic-tacs or certs] = tic tacs
:-: [sunshine or rain] = rain. Sunshowers are cool though
:-: [rain or snow] = snow
:-: [sun or moon] = moon
:-: [silver or gold] = silver
:-: [silk, cotton, or flannel sheets] = silk
:-: [preps or freaks] = freaks
:-: [popcorn-with or w/out butter] = w
:-: [ketchup, mayo, mustard, or relish] = mayo
:-: [shampoo + conditioner in one or separate] = seperate
:-: an animal = a butterfly
:-: a fruit = lemon
:-: a vegetable = carrot
:-: a color = green
:-: a bug = mozzie
are you smart? = nope
:-: do you like onions? = nope
:-: what instruments can you play? = guitar.. very badly
:-: what words do you overuse? = too many to write
:-: do you sleep with socks on? = sometimes
:-: are you ticklish? = all over
:-: are you shy? = sometimes
:-: do you talk to yourself? = constantly
:-: do you have a basement or an attic? = neither
:-: did you go to preschool? = yeah.. damn i miss preschool! =(
:-: who you are closest to = internet: Liz bec and manda Rl: julia and georgia
:-: who makes you laugh the most = internet: uh prolly liz or matty rl: julia
:-: who is the most trustworthy = internet: you know? every one of them rl: uhh julia and georgia XP
:-: who has the best house = internet: no idea rl: Uh um... tough one. Prolly Alex
:-: who is the most daring = me!
:-: who cares more about their hair then anything else = rl: jordie ohh and alex. And georgia sometimes internet: um lara... according to liz
:-: who is most likely to become an actress = internet: lara according to liz rl: jordie
:-: who makes you cry the most = internet: all of them cuz i cant talk to them any more =( rl: prolly jordie
:-: who is the craziest = internet: liz! WOO and manda rl: there all pretty sane actually. Damn them! Oh, prolly maddy
:-: who is the most flirty = internet: um no one. Oh, maybe alec, but shes mostly just being a retard XP rl: jordie or ally
:-: who is most likely not going to call = POO someone farted >=( internet: all of them. I was call them! Well, I call matty. rl: Uhm maddy
Wearing: different pyjamas then the ones i was wearing to when i started this about two and a half hours ago (i had a bath)
Hair: guhh -_- just recently straightened
Makeup: N/A i never wear any
Jewelry: nope
Eating/Drinking: nope
Last phone call: this has already been?
In your cd player: ... what cd player? Current song is THE LEAVING SONG PART II <3
Desktop picture: Pssht a stupid island my sister yelled at me for having afi on it >=|
Last watched on tv: ohhh god *cries* it takes two... guy was up and I hate him to begin with but then he sang a BRITTANY SPEARS song *sobs and hides under the desk*
Last website visited: Also been?
Plans for today: sleep, eat, sleep, talk to forbidden people
Last thing bought: Crash Twinsanity and Devil May Cry *huggles dmc*
Listening to: Tulips are better just finished and now its do dos and woah ohs (not the best song, mind you...)
Last showered: also been?!
Went to bed/woke up: Um last night... i think it mightve been 12... woke up at 10 to 11. You know i really cant remember what time i went to bed last night... i wonder if thats bad..
need: afi
Looking forward to: afi
Worst part of the day: waking up
Best part of the day: sleeping
Favorite person of the day: liz and manda (come online, bitch!)
Thinking about: absolutely nothing
Current annoyance: everything
Current obsessions: afi


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hm.... another of those tests that I shant be bothered to do... YAY for u not being lazy... GAH! work tomorrow... *dies* kill me... whoa that makes no sence

28/7/06 7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

9/8/06 1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

10/8/06 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

16/8/06 1:11 AM  

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