Saturday, September 29, 2007

Blaqk Sanctuary

I can't believe I haven't ranted about Blaqk Audio yet. Somebody slap me!! Agh okay, get comfortable.

WELL. First of all, I decided Blaqk Audio is like ice 'cause it is deathly addictive and! it makes you feel like you have bugs crawling under your skin. Okay, after that last comment I think I have some explaining to do.
Okay, so I was all stressed out and bummed and so I went into my room and put on Blaqk Audio to calm me down (worked like a charm), and I lay down and closed my eyes and just listened to it, and I started to feel like there were bugs crawling under and over my skin, to the point of I had to sit up and rub furiously at my arms to make it go away. So now I don't lay down when I listen to Blaqk Audio XD I know what happened though. It gave me huge massive goosebumps and even when there was no more room left on my arms I kept getting goosebumps popping up everywhere. That's how frickin amazing Blaqk Audio is. So yes, Blaqk Audio is like ice, except for the obvious fact that ice is fucking BAD BEYOND BADDDDD and Blaqk Audio is... woah... Just woah. There are no words awesome enough to explain Blaqk Audio to you! *Sigh of amazement* I connect more to Blaqk Audio more than I connect to AFI almost o.o It's scary. I guess Blaqk Audio is almosttttt AFI XD It's like half of AFI muahaha. Anyway, on with the second part of the rant!

I have to do things while I'm listening to Blaqk Audio... like I normally put it on when I'm sticking posters on my wall or cleaning up my room. 'Cause if I don't itttt sends me into like a really deep.. something... o.o Like with the whole goosebumps thing.. it's just like... woahhhhh o___o. I'm tripping out mannnnn... Look at the psychadelic colours! Raaaaadical. Haha XD Sorry... but I'm scared I'm gonna listen to it when I'm in a seriously bad mood and it'll just be like... ahhhhhhhh I can't even explain it. You just have to experience to know what it's like. Ummies, I listened to it before I went to sleep right, and I stayed awake until the cd finished and then I just like... died XD I went into the deepest deepest sleep I've basically ever been in. Hmm yes well that's all from meeee see you later =)


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