Here we go... I hope your seated comfortably!My name is *cough* Maru Youkai, it's japanese. Maru means destructive and Youkai means demon, least thats what I was told *shifty eyes*.
Heh, I'm a songwriter! =D Well I wanna be. Don't know if it's gonna happen but for now, songwritings one of my hobbies. Another is reading.
I am in love with AFI. For those people who have no taste in music; AFI stands for A Fire Inside who are a band that consists of Davey Havok [vocals].. he is my absolute idol... fucking genius writes awesome songs... very talented... he is a God... then there's Jade Puget [guitar] whom I am in love with. He is mine! GRR. Then there's Adam [drums] and Hunter [bass] who fucking rock also. AFI shall someday rule the world, and I, their faithful servant, shall remain loyal 'til death. I love the bands Avenged Sevenfold and Atreyu too. They are my three A's [I call it my Grade A music XP]
I also quite enjoy anime, suck at drawing it though. Don't watch it much just collect pictures ^__^. My favourite colour is
greeeeen though I like black and silver too, absolutely hate the colour pink though. Love the movies Pirates of the Caribbean, Bogus, The Fifth Element, prolly some others I've forgotten... oh and still like Harry Potter XP. And I lurve cats. Like a lot of animals too but i absolutely positively adore cats.
I'm a bit on the evil side... I laugh at people in pain. And animals too, for that matter, unless I have a particular liking for that animal... LIKE JADE THE NINJA CHICKEN!! Yes, I am obsessed with ninjas, name everything after Jade and turn everything either punk or ninja. Quite a fun habit, although it annoys the hell outta everyone.
I can be very random too and slightly on the crazy side... but tell me to get councelling and you will feel the awesome wrath of Maru Youkai! And indeed, it is awesome. XP.
Call me emo, call me goth, call me punk, call me a purple elephant... labels are nothing to me. Although I do tend to label people as "skanks" a lot, but I use it more as an insult then a label, if you know what I mean. Which you prolly don't, I often say things people don't understand. It's not because I'm dumb (well, mostly) and it's not cuz their dumb either, it's more of a "yeah, I can't be stuffed explaining this so I'll ramble on and confuse people" thing. I am soo lazy, it's really bad actually.
I've kinda given up on school. I understand everything, it's not because it's too hard, I just couldn't care less. What I want in my future does not involve knowledge or grades of any sort, and it'll be easy to achieve so I don't need no "backup plan". I want to travel the world. Yes, I know what you're thinking, but it's true. My mum did it... you go to a certain place and stay there with a part time job and then when you get enough money move on. I don't want to be tied down to one place. Ever. Not even when I'm old and sick, although I would obviously do a lot less travelling then.
Don't expect me to post constantly, I only made a blog to comment on Jordies blog, but I'll prolly post all the songs I write, and the random post about absolutely nothing here and there. This'll mainly be another place to post my songs though... I should issue a warning, most of them a pretty depressing and some are gory, some might have swearing in them but I haven't sworn in a song for a long time so I doubt that's a worry... If you don't like them, fine don't read them, comment if you will. I'm open to constructive criticsm but
please be gentle! I'm sensitive to these songs!
Congratulations if you managed to read all of that... I told you to get comfortable